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Close-up photo of live female Sara Orangetip (Anthocaris sara) ventral view

Illinois River, Josephine Co, May 7 - female

Sara's Orangetip

Anthocharis sara

AKA Sara Orangetip

Size: 1.25 - 1.5 inches wingspan


Key ID features:  Male white above, with bold orange FW tip. Female pale yellow-green above with smaller orange patch near FW tip. Below patchy marbling with light yellow veins.


Similar species:  Julia's Orangetip, which occurs throughout western Oregon and the Cascades is very similar and difficult to distinguish in the adult stage wherever they overlap. The two species are distinguished by several characteristics, including larval characteristics, number of overwintering cycles, and shape and color of the chrysalis.


Host plant: Crucifers including several rockcresses.​


Habitat: Wide variety of open habitats.


Range: Only found along the Oregon-California border in Jackson, Josephine and Curry counties.


Season: Mid-March to mid-August


Abundance: Common


Conservation Status: Secure

© 2018-24 by Neil Henning Björklund

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