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Wolf Mtn, Lane Co, June 22


Callophrys sheridanii

AKA Sheridan's Green Hairstreak

Size: 0.8 - 1.0 inches wingspan


Key ID features:  Above both sexes light gray or brown.  Below dark green when fresh, with black scaling, lighter green with gray when worn. Below, HW post median white band variable, sometimes bold. Below, FW mostly green. Often perches  directly on the ground.


Similar species: Bramble and Western Green primarily perch on shrubs or host plant. Bramble HS is usually found in more moist habitats, whereas Sheridan's is usually found in hotter, drier, well-drained sites.


Host plant: Many buckwheat species (Eriogonum), including Eriogonum umbellatum.


Habitat: Washes, canyons, draws, high rocky-chutes, alpine swales. â€‹


Range: Southern Cascades, Siskiyou Mtns, Warner Mtns, Steens Mtn, Ochoco Mtns, Blue Mtns, north central Oregon.


Season: Early March to early August​


Abundance: Uncommon


Conservation Status: Secure

© 2018-24 by Neil Henning Björklund

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