Chlosyne hoffmanni
Size: 1.25 to 1.75 inch wingspan
Key ID features: Above, bands of orange and yellow-orange, separated by black lines and patches. Median band usually lighter. Basal 1/3 of HW above is mostly black with little orange. Below bands of off-white and brick red with black veins and edges. Red spots in postmedian band often longer than in similar species.
Similar species: Northern Checkerspot often does not have the large black area on the basal HW above, and below post-median band spots are generally shorter than in Hoffman's. On Northern Checkerspot, the orange patches on the dorsal forewing are more distinct and smaller. On Hoffmann's, the orange bars in the middle of the forewing are much longer, and often have a "smeared" look, a gradient of shades of orange.
Hostplant: Asters, including western showy aster (Eurybia conspicua) and Cascade aster (Eucephalus ledophyllus).
Habitat: Moist montane meadows, canyons, streamsides, clearings in conifer forests.
Range: Cascade Range above 1000 feet.
Season: Early May to early September
Abundance: Common
Conservation Status: Secure