Tailed Copper
Tharsalea arota
AKA Lycaena arota
Size: 0.75- 1.25 inches wingspan
Key ID features: Male coppery brown above. Female FW above has broad dark brown marginal bands, dark patches around coppery-orange spots, and HW with similar pattern with scalloped orange band along trailing edge. Small white-tipped tails on HW. Below HW is boldly marked with spots, chevrons, a white band and black spots circled with white, against gray-brown background (bolder in females).
Similar species: No other coppers have tails.
Host plant: Currants and gooseberries.
Habitat: Moist meadows, canyons, mountain canyons.
Range: Siskiyou Mtns, Southern Cascade Mtns, Klamath Mtns, Warner Mtns, central Willamette Valley.
Season: Mid-June to late September
Abundance: Locally common
Conservation Status: Secure