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Oreas Comma

Mt. Hebo, Tillamook Co, August 13, ssp. silenus

Oreas Comma

Polygonia oreas

AKA Oreas Anglewing

Size: Up to 2 inch wingspan

Key ID features:  Above orange with black blotches and spots, often with very jagged wing edges, submarginal row of yellow chevrons and brown to black marginal band. HW above has yellow patches adjacent to dark marginal band. Below dark gray to black, with lighter gray striations, and prominent white flattened "v" (pointed at the bottom, often looking like a gull in flight) with no hooks in center of HW.

Similar species: Darker below than other comma species, white "v" mark on HW below lacks barbs. Other comma species either have stronger green submarginal shading below or the "comma" mark on HW below is curved (not a pointed "v") or barbed or both.

Host plant: Currant species (Ribes), including R. divericatum (straggly gooseberry), and R. lacustre (swamp gooseberry).

Habitat: Forest fringes, especially in older stands, riparian areas and ravines, subalpine meadows. 

Range: Coast Range, Willamette Valley, Western Cascades, east slope of Cascades, Wallowa Mtns, Blue Mtns.

Season: Late February to mid-September

Abundance: Uncommon 


Conservation Status: Secure

© 2018-24 by Neil Henning Björklund

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