Checkered White
Pontia protodice
Size: 1.5 - 2.0 inches wingspan
Key ID features: Extremely variable and challenging to ID with certainty. Above, white with black, brown or charcoal checks, bars or chevrons. Below yellow-veined with brown or olive chevron marks.
Similar species: Western white has darker and more extensive or continuous black or gray markings on forewing tip above, and greener markings below, especially along veins. Often the shaded markings at the forewing tip are smaller and more discrete than in other species.
Host plant: A wide variety of both weedy and native cruciferous species.
Habitat: Arid habitats, both disturbed and undisturbed.
Range: Primarily in southeast Oregon and east of Cascade Mtns, with scattered records in the Willamette Valley and Coast Range.
Season: Earl June to late September
Abundance: Uncommon in Oregon
Conservation Status: Secure