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Resources:  Books

Finding Lane County Butterflies

Now in it's 4th Edition!  When the first edition came out in 2004, this was one of, if not the, first butterfly-finding guides in the US.  It is modeled after the popular bird-finding guides that exist for almost every popular birding area in the States.  It includes 32 of the best sites for butterflies in Lane County (and a couple just over the line in Linn County).  For each site, it describes when to go, how to get there, and species you are likely to find there.  Using this guide, you can, with some luck, find all of Lane County's more than 90 species.


Available from the Lane County Butterfly Club. Proceeds from sales benefit the Lane County Butterfly Club.


Available from Lane County Butterfly Club.

alt_cover_FLCB_4th_ed_2b copy.jpg

Butterflies of Lane County

When it was first released in 2002, this pocket-sized field ID guide to the butterflies of Lane County, Oregon was the first of its kind.  Other similar "pocket guides" are appearing around the country as people realize that people don't want to carry around a 5 pound book in the field.  Measuring just 4.5" x 5.5" and weighing in at 3.7 oz., there's no reason NOT to take this with you!


Available from the Eugene-Springfield Chapter of the North American Butterfly Association (NABA-ES).  Proceeds from sales benefit NABA-ES.


Available from NABA-Eugene-Springfield

Cover of "Butterflies of Lane County"

This is the definitive guide for identifying the butterflies of Oregon and Washington.  It's chock-full of information about each species, with maps, history, biological information and more. It won't fit in your pocket, but you'll want a copy for reference anyway.


Available from

Butterflies of
the Pacific Northwest

By Robert Michael Pyle and Caitlin LaBar.  This is the latest and most comprehensive guide for identifying the butterflies of Oregon and Washington.  It's chock-full of information about each species, with maps, history, biological information and more. It won't fit in your pocket, but you'll definitely want a copy anyway.


Available from

Cover of "Butterflis of the Pacific Northwest"

Butterflies of
the Pacific Northwest

This is the definitive guide for identifying the butterflies of Oregon and Washington.  It's chock-full of information about each species, with maps, history, biological information and more. It won't fit in your pocket, but you'll want a copy for reference anyway.


Available from

Butterflies of


Their Taxonomy, Distribution, and Biology

By Andrew Warren.  This thorough scientific work provides the most in-depth coverage of Oregon's butterfly species and set the groundwork for taxonomy studies and books that followed it.  For a deeper dive into Oregon's butterflies, this is your "go to" source.


Available from

Cover of "Butterflies of Oregon:  Their Taxonomy, Distribution, and Biology"
Warren Book

Pocket Guide to the Butterflies of Washington, 3rd ed

By Caitlin LaBar.  This is a great field guide for identifying the butterflies of  Washington.  So small and light there's no reason not to take it into the field with you!


Available from


© 2018-24 by Neil Henning Björklund

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