Red Admiral
Vanessa atalanta
AKA Red Admirable
Size: Up to 2.5 inch wingspan
Key ID features: Unmistakable. Above black with red-orange band across FW, and white bar and spots near FW tip. HW above black with orange-red marginal band with small black spots and two black ringed blue spots at the anal angle. HW below a mosaic of brown, gray and black, with a thin paleblue submarginal line. FW below bold pinkish orange band as above, below band mostly black, above band black with white bar and spots and blue ring, wingtip mottled grays and browns with small spots.
Similar species: Unlike any other species.
Hostplant: Stinging nettle (Urtica dioica).
Habitat: May be found in any habitat.
Range: Throughout Oregon.
Season: Any time of year, but mostly May to October.
Abundance: Uncommon
Conservation Status: Secure